Jonathon Earl Bowser
Jonathon Earl Bowser
Jonathon Earl Bowser is a Canadian fantasy artist whose work focuses on ideas of mythical goddesses and iconographic images of divine feminine beauty. He works to express the symbolic meaning between nature, sexuality and spirituality.
Bowser's themes of nature and feminine symbolism, which he calls "Mythic Naturalism", transcends Canadian boarders entering into the international marketplace. His fame is such that on many other continents fans purchase individual pieces of his artwork for thousands of dollars.
It has been said that the work of Jonathon Earl Bowser is the most famous Canadian painter in recent history extending beyond the artists within what is called the "Group of Seven", who joined together in Toronto shortly before WWI. The original members of the group were Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, Arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, A. Y. Jackson, Frank Johnston, and Fred Varley. An eighth artist, Tom Thomson, also worked with the Group of Seven.